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Selected Media Coverage
Selected Media Coverage
Figures III
ulian Voss-Andreae Qbist Woman, 2012 65″ x 17″ x 15″ (1.65 x 0.43 x 0.38 m) Location: Private Collection (Chicago, IL)
ulian Voss-Andreae Qbist Woman, 2012 65″ x 17″ x 15″ (1.65 x 0.43 x 0.38 m) Location: Private Collection (Chicago, IL)
ulian Voss-Andreae Qbist Woman, 2012 65″ x 17″ x 15″ (1.65 x 0.43 x 0.38 m) Location: Private Collection (Chicago, IL)
Julian Voss-Andreae Mesh Woman, 2012 Powder-coated stainless steel 103″ x 28″ x 22″ (2.62 x 0.71 x 0.56 m) Current location: Gallery without Walls (Lake Oswego, OR)
Julian Voss-Andreae Mesh Woman, 2012 Powder-coated stainless steel 103″ x 28″ x 22″ (2.62 x 0.71 x 0.56 m) Current location: Gallery without Walls (Lake Oswego, OR)
Julian Voss-Andreae The Sentinel, 2012 Stainless steel, 89″ x 21″ x 20″ (2.26 x 0.53 x 0.51 m)
Julian Voss-Andreae The Sentinel, 2012 Stainless steel, 89″ x 21″ x 20″ (2.26 x 0.53 x 0.51 m)
Julian Voss-Andreae The Sentinel, 2012 Stainless steel, 89″ x 21″ x 20″ (2.26 x 0.53 x 0.51 m)
Julian Voss-Andreae The Sentinel, 2012 Stainless steel, 89″ x 21″ x 20″ (2.26 x 0.53 x 0.51 m)
Julian Voss-Andreae Stacked Christy, 2012 Steel, 64″ x 18″ x 17″ (1.61 x 0.44 x 0.42 m)
Other Works
➤ Four Siblings
➤ Gungunhana
➤ Kundalini
➤ Our Single Garment of Destiny
➤ Sprinter
➤ Transparent Man (Der Durchsichtige Mensch)
➤ Matter
➤ Wall works
➤ C
➤ Annabelle
➤ Head
➤ Wavy Quantum Man
➤ Jonathan
➤ Receptor (Die bange Frage)
➤ Elective Affinities
➤ Dream
➤ Isabelle
➤ Awake
➤ Samantha in the Meadows
➤ Figures XI
➤ Poly (Georgia Tech, Atlanta)
➤ The Reader (Portland Community College)
➤ Figures X
➤ RNA and DNA
➤ Figures IX
➤ Figures VIII
➤ Figures VII
➤ Figures VI
➤ 'Agave Dreams'
➤ 'Spannungsfeld'
➤ Figures V
➤ Figures IV
➤ Protein Sculptures: 'Synergy'
➤ Figures III
➤ Figures II
➤ Protein Sculptures: 'Villin' project
➤ Figures I
➤ 'Quantum Objects' Exhibition
➤ Quantum Sculptures: 'Quantum Man'
➤ Quantum Sculptures: Buckyballs
➤ Protein Sculptures: 'Angel of the West'
➤ Protein Sculptures: Outdoor Works
➤ Protein Sculptures: Indoor Works
➤ Protein Sculptures: Early Works