Selected Media Coverage

Back with another guest! Meet Julian Voss-Andreae. An artist who combines the world of physics with the world of art and creates wave-like sculptures. (Faux Profhitz Podcast, August 6, 2024)

If quantum physics seems hopelessly incomprehensible to you, rest assured, our common language itself is hard-pressed to account for this confusing scientific theory. Other languages ​​must be invented to go beyond that of mathematics. Artistic languages ​​in particular. (Les Echos, September 29, 2023)
Former physicist’s ‘disappearing sculpture’ creates a world of quantum physics seen through the mind (Wired Japan, August 31, 2023)
On the 27th episode of the “What is a Good Life?” podcast, I am joined by Julian Voss-Andreae, who is a Sculptor and a Physicist, with his sculptures often engaging with scientific insights into the nature of reality. His work has received broad acclaim at international art fairs, galleries, and in print and broadcast media, with numerous videos of his work having gone viral with millions of views. (July 18, 2023)
Schaut man der Seite, dann sieht man sie. Je nach Blickwinkel verschwinden seine Skulpturen aber fast komplett. Die weltbekannten Werke von Julian Voss-Andreae kann man nun auch zum ersten Mal in Europa bestaunen und zwar in Luzern. Noch vor der heutigen offiziellen Eröffnung trafen wir den Künstler. (August 25, 2022)
One of the most creative sculptors I know today is Julian Voss-Andreae. He embodies difficult science ideas in his large works, which have attracted me to him over the last ten years. (July 17, 2022)
By the time Julian Voss-Andreae ’04 arrived in Portland, he was 29 years old, spoke some English — but not fluently — and would soon become a father. (June 28, 2022)
Julian Voss-Andreae’s quantum sculptures are a combination of art and science that reflect his background in both fields. (October 20, 2021)
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH)–A special commemoration this Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a sculpture unveiling for all to see in downtown Columbus. (January 18, 2021)
“My background’s in physics, and I started out by thinking, how would it feel like to be a quantum object?” artist Julian Voss-Andreae explained to 24 Hour News 8 Tuesday. (October 2, 2018
“Lo que primero buscó era reflejar las proteínas de manera estética, es decir, las que más le gustaban, luego se dio cuenta que elegiría las más importantes para el cuerpo humano” (Ángel Metropolitano 95, September 26, 208)
“A German-American sculptor famous for his disappearing sculptures made his creations stand out in a unique blend of art, science and technology. […]” (In Focus, July 6, 2018)
The unveiling of Voss-Andreae’s latest landmark sculpture in downtown Palm Springs. An illustrious mix of guests including art collectors, city officials like mayor Robert Moon, celebrities and clients of Hohmann Fine Art mingled during the VIP reception and the unveiling of the new public sculpture. (April 4, 2018)
CBS 2 (March 30)
Art, science and technology all change the way we experience the world. (by Judy Davis. Semiconductor Engineering, January 8, 2018)
Indian Lifestyle Magazine “Abraxas” 8-page spread of CODAaward 2017 winner “Spannungsfeld”. (Abraxas Lifestyle Magazine, September 17, 2017)
“A larger-than-life bronze sculpture of a female form by Portland sculptor and PNWS board member Julian Voss-Andreae was installed recently on the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. […]” (Pacific Northwest Sculptors Newsletter, September 2017)
“Great 3D printing power was behind the fabrication of a recent large sculpture envisioned and designed by Julian Voss-Andreae […]” (, June 23, 2017)
“When you hear the words “quantum physics,” art usually isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Long, complicated mathematical equations, strange shapes, tiny molecules — maybe those do. Art and sculpture? Not so much. But to sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae, a former quantum physicist, the “two very different aesthetic worlds” converge in an equation that results in his artwork. […]” (Portland Tribune, January 2017)
“Julian was originally a quantum physicist, having studied in Berlin, Edinburgh and then Vienna before returning to the artist path in which he blended the two (very distinct) disciplines. […]” (, April 2016)
Angel of the West (2008), by Julian Voss-Andreae, is a sculpture at the Scripps Research Institute’s second campus in Jupiter, Florida. Appropriately enough for an organization devoted to medical bioscience and technology development, the “12-foot-high sculpture features an enormous ring surrounding a fully realized model of a human antibody, an immune molecule that recognizes and helps fight off the body’s foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses.” (An Online Journal of the Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion, April 2016)
Taking a broadly historical approach, Kemp examines forms and processes such as the geometry of Platonic solids, the dynamics of growth, and the patterns of fluids in motion, while placing the work of contemporary artists, engineers, and scientists in dialogue with that of visionaries such as Leonardo da Vinci and D’Arcy Thompson. (Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2016)
“Voss-Andreae is a sculptor who inventively visualizes difficult scientific concepts, such as the laws of quantum physics and invisible matter, which we are usually forced to consider in the abstract. […]” (London: Thames & Hudson, 2015)
“To make this violet-colored sculpture of a protein, the German artist Julian Voss-Andreae symbolized amino acids as bars with lozenge-shaped holes. The chain of amino acids has crossed over itself and formed a knot, which is the final form of the protein cycloviolacin. […]” (Princeton University Press, 2015)
“Julian Voss-Andreae’s large, welded steel sculpture, Agave Dreams (a provisional title) was completed in July at the sculptor’s Portland studio and shipped near the end of July to Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. The university commissioned the piece for installation in front of its new Biology Building. Installation was scheduled for July 30. […]” (Pacific Northwest Sculptors Newsletter, July 2015)
“The next time you saunter through a museum or gaze casually at a piece of art, ask yourself: Did a physicist make this? It seems lately that one can’t peruse a science magazine or website without finding articles about scientists who have turned their love of nature into beautiful works of art. And not surprisingly, physicists are numerous among this population. […]” (APS News, November 2014)
“Quantum Man is a sculpture by Julian Voss-Andreae installed in the City of Moses Lake, Washington. Vastly different from Quantum Cloud, the steel-wool-like sculpture by Antony Gormley discussed in Chapter 4, this one is made of parallel steel sheets 2.5 meters high, and it changes in form as you walk around it. […]” (New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014)
In recent decades, an exciting new art movement has emerged in which artists utilize and illuminate the latest advances in science. In Colliding Worlds, Arthur I. Miller, the author of Einstein, Picasso and other celebrated books on science and creativity, traces the movement from its seeds a century ago to its flowering today. (New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014)
“In Julian Voss-Andreae’s recent work ‘Synergy,’ angular strands of stainless steel tubing cluster together, extending into the air like a metallic Lego braid. ‘Synergy,’ which Voss-Andreae says is ‘techy, but sensual,’ is an homage to collagen, our body’s most abundant protein.” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (July 8, 2014)
“In 1999, Julian Voss-Andreae was part of a team that showed C60 molecules could exhibit wave– particle duality, making buckyballs the most massive particles that wave behaviour has been observed for. For the artist, based in Portland, Oregon in the US, working in the University of Vienna lab of Wolf Prize winning Austrian physicist Anton Zeilinger was ‘incredible’.” (Chemistry World, July 2014)
Quantumobjecten “De beeldhouwer Julian Voss-Andreae (1970) is geboren in Hamburg en wilde aanvankelijk schilder worden. Daartoe ging hij naar de kunstacademie in Berlijn maar besloot, na lezing van The Emperor’s New Mind van Roger Penrose, om natuurkunde te gaan studeren aan de Vrije Universiteit in dezelfde stad […]” (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, June 2014 issue)
“In 2014 Voss-Andreae produced Spannungsfeld […]. But here he goes beyond Quantum Man with its single object to a male and a female, a set of dualities, suggesting positive and negative charge, love and hate. Like yin and yang they cannot exist without each other and together make up a whole. They are complementary. Spannungsfeld is a meditation on Eastern religion, which parallels abstruse concepts in physics. […]” (Website to Colliding Worlds by Arthur I. Miller, 2014)
“The German title of the installation (literally “tension field”) originated in physics but is used in contemporary German almost exclusively in a metaphorical sense, implying a dynamic tension, often between polar opposites, that permeates everything in its vicinity […]” (University of Minnesota Public Art on Campus Program, April 16, 2014)
“Two unique sculptures are now greeting people at the University of Minnesota. They were installed in front of the new Physics and Nanotech Building on campus today […]” (WCCO-TV CBS, March 29, 2014)
“A sneak peek in an art installation heading to the University of Minnesota […]” (KARE-TV NBC, March 28, 2014)
“I don’t know if they’re going to be dubbed “Alice” and “Bob”, but those names seem fairly appropriate for the two new figures – one male, one female – that make up the latest artwork from the German-born quantum-physicist-turned sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae. […]” (Physics World, January 22, 2014)

“I have always loved reading popular science magazines. But I really got hooked on physics after reading Roger Penrose’s amazing book, The Emperor’s New Mind. I had moved from my hometown, Hamburg, to Berlin in Germany, with the plan to study painting, but this book gave me my first real glimpse of quantum physics. I decided to find out as much as I could about the subject by studying physics at the Freie Universität Berlin. […]”
(Radiations Magazine, Fall 2013)

An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae on the RCSB Protein Data Bank’s YouTube channel on occasion of the installation of “Synergy”, a 20-foot, 3,200-pound polished stainless steel and colored glass sculpture based on the triple helical structure of collagen. (November 6, 2013)
Series of TV life broadcasts from Voss-Andreae’s studio featuring work on “Spannungsfeld” for the University of Minnesota as well as other sculptures. (Good Day Oregon, KPTV, October 16, 2013)
“Julian Voss-Andreae blends art and science with large-scale steel sculptures inspired by protein strands, molecular geometry and quantum physics. He also represents a blend of cultures as a German citizen who came to the U.S. in 2001 to be with his future wife. Today the couple and their four children live in Southeast Portland. […]” (Vimeo, October 2013)
“The presence of cutting-edge science is hard to miss on Rutgers University’s Busch Campus. Now the campus has become home to a striking work of art – a sculpture that draws strong connections to the university’s life science research. […]” (Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences, September 24, 2013)
“Artist Julian Voss-Andreae gets very excited about proteins. For his latest sculpture, he used compound cuts to make one-dimensional pieces of metal into three-dimensional objects — ‘just like amino acids do’ to create proteins, he says. ‘It’s the same trick nature uses to go from 1-D to 3-D.’ […]” (The Oregonian, September 18, 2013)
TV piece about Rutger University commission (KOIN News, August 26, 2013)
“Caltech and NYU scientists will use origami mathematics in coming up with algorithms that will in turn direct the folds of the self-assembling DNA structures. Portland, Oregon-based sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae will contribute his expertise as an artist, helping the researchers conceptualize the structures with life-size physical models. […]” (KPCC Los Angeles, August 26, 2013)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in SciArt in America, a bi-monthly magazine that features science-based artists working in the United States. (SciArt in America, August, 2013)
“Julian Voss-Andreae était l’un des auteurs de cette percée. Il a depuis quitté les laboratoires pour se tourner vers la sculpture et s’est installé aux États-Unis. Il est aujourd’hui sollicité par de nombreuses institutions. Par exemple, deux projets sont en cours, l’un pour le nouveau bâtiment de physique et de nanotechnologie de l’Université du Minnesota, à Minneapolis, l’autre à l’UniversitéRutgers, dans le New Jersey. […] “ (Pour la Science, pp. 88-89 (Pour la Science, August, 2013)
Tami Spector, Philip Ball, Kathryn de Ridder-Vignone, Julian Voss-Andreae, and Leonardo editor Roger Malina discuss the connections between science–especially chemistry–and art. This conversation was inspired by the e-book Art and Atoms, and was recorded on January 24, 2013.
Artist Julian Voss-Andreae discusses his science-inspired sculptures with the Beckman Institute’s Klaus Schulten and his Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group. (Lecture recorded October 8, 2012 )
Article about Voss-Andreae’s “New Works 2012” exhibition at Frederic Boloix Fine Arts in Sun Valley, Idaho. (Idaho Mountain Express, August 1, 2012)
Inspired by movie-like visualizations of proteins, physicist-turned-artist Julian Voss-Andreae and DePauw University professors Daniel Gurnon and Jacob Stanley collaborated to create a series of steel sculptures depicting the birth of the villin headpiece protein and how it folds into its native state, trillionth of a second by trillionth of a second. This video won the 2012 Mid-America EMMY Award for best “Informational/Instructional: Feature”. (March 27, 2012)
Biochemistry textbook featuring images of Voss-Andreae’s “Alpha Helix for Linus Pauling” and “Heart of Steel (Hermoglobin)”. (Boston, MA: Pearson, 2011)
“Take a moment and try to picture a protein. Having trouble? You’re not alone. But don’t worry; thanks to DePauw University biochemistry professor Daniel G. Gurnon, your protein-picturing problems will soon be a thing of the past. Inspired by the work of sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae, a German-educated physicist whose art is taken from world of science, Gurnon saw an opportunity to bring DePauw’s artists and scientists together. […]” (DePauw University Newsletter, November 1, 2011)
“Julian Voss-Andreae, a sculptor who divides his time between Portland and his native Germany, displays his work at the festival each year and at the Lake Oswego Gallery Without Walls, a permanent outdoor collection of more than 60 sculptures. Voss-Andreae’s art has been featured on PBS and in publication such as Nature. […]” (Alaska Airlines Horizon Magazine, October 2011)
“Using science and art, Julian Voss-Andreae creates incredible sculptures that can vanish right in front of our very eyes. Made up of a series of layered steel sheets, the sculpture forms a human image at a certain angle but then disappears at others. […]” (My Modern Metropolis, October 12, 2011)
Article about Voss-Andreae’s “New Works 2011” exhibition at Frederic Boloix Fine Arts in Sun Valley, Idaho. (The Weekly Sun, August 31, 2011)
Julian Voss-Andreae, quantum physicist sculptor, presents recent works inspired by proteins, the molecular building blocks of life, and by quantum physics, which display an organic aesthetic from geometric elements that offer a more holistic view of reality. (Lecture recorded at Celebrating ISIS, London, UK. March 26, 2011 )
What happens when you blow a protein up to be larger than the size of a human being? A video interview with Julian Voss-Andreae on Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour with David Harris. (Episode 85, March 3, 2011)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in ASBMB Today, a monthly publication by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (ASBMB Today, January 2011)
Voss-Andreae’s work featured in Nancy B. Zastrow’s book Passion and Power: Metal Artists in Western U.S. (Silver Spring, MD: The Copper Heron, 2010)
“There’s an odd way about the Quantum Man. On first approach, he appears a man of substance, hunched deliberate and pushing forward in a headwind. A moment later, he inexplicably vanishes-taking with him the basic premises of reality. […]” (1859 Oregon’s Magazine, Winter 2010)
“Last time we checked in with Julian Voss-Andreae (Feb 06 issue) the artist-turned-physicist-turned-artist was displaying a fond obsession with proteins. His science-inspired art included colorful, shiny representations of biological helices, hemoglobin, and skin proteins. In November 2009, he ventured back into the physics world with a new collection of artwork, Quantum Objects. […]” (Symmetry Magazine, April 2010)
“Julian Voss-Andreae’s new sculpture at the Bravern, Quantum Man, is beautiful to look at, but that’s not the point. The idea of the piece is to convey one of the most bewildering ideas in modern physics: that nothing is really the way it looks, that all matter can be seen as a bunch of particles or as a collection of waves. It cannot possibly be both, yet somehow it is. […]” (City Arts Seattle Magazine, February 25, 2010)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in Science Cheerleader. (December 22, 2009)
“Voss-Andreae’s works Night Path and Spin Family, with their webs of metal wire or silk thread in solid steel frames, hark back to the sculptures of Naum Gabo, themselves inspired by new mathematical geometries and models. Yet Night Path shows a quantum idea: the path-integral approach to the trajectories of light, in which the passage of a photon is considered to be the integral over all possible paths, calculated by slicing up time. […]” (Nature, November 26, 2009)
“Angel of the West is the culmination of three years of physicist-turned-sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae’s life. The 12-foot-tall stainless steel sculpture weighs 1,500 pounds and is the centerpiece outside Building B of the Scripps Florida complex in Abacoa. It was the focal point at the Feb. 27 opening of Scripps Florida. […]” (Sun Sentinel, March 11, 2009)
A quantum physicist-turned-sculptor, Julian Voss-Andreae never turned his back on science. He has crafted a tribute to Linus Pauling, and now he’s working on his biggest project ever. It’s a stainless steel piece based on the molecular structure of an antibody. Producer: Vince Patton (Oregon Public Broadcasting, December 2008)
“A strikingly designed stainless steel sculpture that will be dedicated to Richard A. Lerner, M.D., president of The Scripps Research Institute, will be installed at the entrance to the main building on the new Scripps Florida campus. […]” (Art Daily, October 23, 2008)
“Terminology from quantum theory shows up frequently in popular culture – from art and films to sculpture and poetry. Robert P Crease asks for your favourite examples. […]” (Physics World, September 1, 2008)
“How does a physicist from Germany wind up becoming an artist in Portland, Oregon? Love has a lot to do with it. So does Quantum physics. And so do proteins, the tiny building blocks of all life on earth. […]” (PNCA newsletter re:view, Summer 2008)
“Many of us have marveled at a two-dimensional representation of a protein in a book or on the computer screen. We may have even been awed at a three-dimensional recreation of such a structure. Julian Voss-Andreae takes the beauty of these molecules a step further, producing protein sculptures that combine the natural beauty of the structures with his own personal, artistic touch. He is uniquely able to combine his talents as an artist, naturalist and physicist to create works of art for the public. […]” (AWIS Magazine, Spring 2008)
“Voss-Andreae’s work is different, because it looks to convey some of the underlying scientific principles of the subject matter, even to viewers who know nothing about them. That’s what good ‘sciart’ does: rather than seeking to educate, it presents some of the textures of science in a way that nudges the mind and enlivens the senses. […]” (Chemistry World, March 2008)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in Sculptural Pursuit, a quarterly art/literary magazine. (Sculptural Pursuit, Spring 2008)
“Джулиан увлекся исследованиями белков, буду−чи еще студентом−физиком; после того как он пе−решел на факультет искусств, белки стали главным источником его вдохновения. Изучая трехмерный дизайн, Джулиан решил выбрать эти вещества в качестве предмета для своих работ. Его методика заключается в том, чтобы, разрезая погонный ма−териал (такой как металлические балки или древе−сину) на части практически без отходов, соединять эти части по−иному, создавая уникальные, навеян−ные структурами белковых молекул формы. […]” (Computerra, December 5, 2007)
“Un científico artista ha esculpido a escala macroscópica, usando una variedad de materiales, los avances de la biología estructural molecular en sus obras. Hace unos años, Julian Voss-Andreae, nacido en 1970 en Alemania y residente en Estados Unidos, realizó una representación artístico-escultórica (Heart of Steel, 2005) de la hemoglobina. […]” (El País, September 19, 2007)
“For sheer sparkling energy, Julian Voss-Andreae’s “Quantum Man 2” is another winner. Moving through space one layer at a time, like it’s been sectioned by an MRI machine, “Quantum Man” is a blur, sort of a 3-D version of Marcel Duchamp’s locomoting Nude Descending a Staircase. […]” (Seattle Times, July 27, 2007)
“Von der Kunst zur Physik zur Kunst, so ließe sich die Karriere von Julian Voss-Andreae (36) vielleicht kurz umschreiben. Der gebürtige Hamburger studierte Physik in Berlin und Edinburgh, fertigte seine Diplomarbeit bei Anton Zeilinger in Wien an und lebt mittlerweile in Portland (Oregon, USA), wo er als Bildhauer arbeitet. Mit Skulpturen, die auf Proteinmolekülen beruhen, machte er auf sich aufmerksam. […]” (Physik Journal, June 2007)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in the Protein Data Bank Newsletter, a monthly publication of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics. (Winter 2007)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in Physics World, a monthly publication by the Institute of Physics. (November 2006)
“Julian Voss-Andreae, einst: Quantenphysiker, jetzt: Bildhauer. Wir sind uns an der Uni Wien begegnet, seine Diplomarbeit war gerade geschrieben, meine steckte noch irgendwo zwischen Vakuumpumpe und Laserstrahl. Irgendwann war er verschwunden – nach Amerika zu seiner großen Liebe gezogen. Schade, denn er war eine erfrischende Bereicherung des Laboralltags. Klar, Quantenphysiker durch und durch – aber eben auch mehr: einst Sänger in einer Band und immer an Bildern und Skulpturen interessiert. […] (No Comment, November 7, 2006)
Physics World (September 2006)
“A wave-particle duality runs through Julian Voss-Andreae’s life. He was a budding painter before opting for a graduate program in physics at the University of Vienna in Austria. But before long, Voss-Andreae’s artistic nature reasserted itself. Since graduating 2 years ago from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon, Voss-Andreae has focused on abstract sculptures of hemoglobin and other proteins. […]” (Science Magazine, August 18, 2006)
An interview with Julian Voss-Andreae published in Seed Magazine. (May 11, 2006)
“It took an outsider to bring about a tribute to an Oregon legend. When Julian Voss-Andreae moved from Germany to Portland, he was surprised to find no memorial to Portland native and Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling. The sculptor used his background in physics to design a memorial structure to place outside Pauling’s childhood home in Southeast Portland. […]” (Oregon Public Broadcasting TV, May 6, 2004)
“Julian Voss-Andreae sucht im Internet nach Informationen über ein Eiweiß. Überall in seinem Büro hängen Computerbilder von in sich gewundenen Molekülen. ‘Wir wollen untersuchen, ob noch größere Moleküle als Fullerene Quanteneigenschaften zeigen.’ Ein ehrgeiziges Ziel, immerhin sind die Eiweiße, mit denen die Forscher experimentieren wollen, rund hundertmal schwerer als die Minifußbälle. Voss-Andreae zuckt mit den Achseln. ‘Keiner weiß, ob das klappen wird.’ […]” (Berliner Zeitung, December 6, 2000)
Press clip of a painting competition. (Elbe Wochenblatt, 1990)